McEwen School of Architecture
85 Elm St, Sudbury,
Ontario, Canada
P3C 1T3
Sudbury 2050 – Urban Design Ideas Competition
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Partial Map of City of Greater Sudbury

The McEwen School of Architecture at Laurentian University is located in Sudbury’s downtown. Photo: Bob Gundu
The McEwen School of Architecture (MSoA) is a significant centre for research, design and building in the North, with design studios provided in both French and English. MSoA’s body of work in Northern communities in Ontario, Canada and around the world has added deep knowledge about celebrating community through architecture and urban design, in remote and challenging parts of the planet. This has been exemplified through respectful engagement with Northern Indigenous communities.
MSoA’s presence in Sudbury represents a unique opportunity for the City; the School is in an ideal position to be the focus for a community engagement process that tackles the urban design issues facing the City.
Since its inception over a decade ago, the MSoA has matured to become a significant centre for research, design and building in architecture and urban design in the North. The relationships that the MSoA has nurtured with northern communities regionally, nationally and internationally, particularly with indigenous communities, have provided deep knowledge about how to live, design and build well in environmental circumstances that are often complex and challenging. This growing body of expertise is now offered to demonstrate the way in which the respectful, yet critical, study and appreciation of a place and community over time can yield strategies for urban design and architecture, that are resilient, enduring, and celebrate life in the North. The School has proven that it can work collaboratively and in consultation with members of the community, who are committed to optimizing the future of the City.
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